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Tutorial Intro

Let's discover Popyt in less than 5 minutes.

Getting started

Get started by creating a new Node.JS project and running npm install popyt.


Check out the CodeSandbox for a quick example that you can run online and fork on GitHub.
Click Fork in the top right, press CTRL+K and type "environment" to set the YOUTUBE_API_KEY environment variable, and then try Popyt right from your browser.

What you'll need

Retrieving public data

Retrieve public data from YouTube by directly using the YouTube class. Instantiate the class like this:

const { YouTube } = require('popyt')
const youtube = new YouTube(process.env.YOUTUBE_API_KEY)

It is not recommended to place an API key directly in your code. Instead, use an environment variable.

Here are a few examples of retrieving data, but check the documentation for everything else:

Get a video by ID:

const video = await youtube.getVideo('dQw4w9WgXcQ')

You can do the same thing with playlists, channels, and comments by replacing Video with any of them.

Get a video by URL:

const video = await youtube.getVideo('')

Get a video by title (or similar title):

const video = await youtube.getVideo('never gonna give you up')

Search videos:

const search = await youtube.searchVideos('never gonna give you up', { pageOptions: { maxPerPage: 25 } })
console.log( => v.title).join('\n')) // titles of 25 beautiful videos

Retrieving private data